Frequently Ask Questions

SGAIRC-TBI, Shegaon Technology Business Incubator is a Section-8 Not-for-Profit company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 with an objective of promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Yes, SGAIRC-TBI, Shegaon is approved as a Technology Business Incubator by the Govt. of India and supported by the Department of Science and Technology.

Yes, we incubate student-founded startup companies and provide them the necessary handholding and mentoring support.

We have set up hi-end CAD workstations and composite 3D printing facility for manufacturing high-strength components using material such as carbon fibre, onyx, nylon, etc. Our 3D printing facility is available for use of MSMEs at an affordable rate.

Yes, Subject to funds availability under different funding/prototyping grant programs, we may provide funding to eligible startup companies.