Start-Up Portfolio


Focus Areas

01. Agri-Tech: This involves finding solutions to improve crop yields, reduce environmental impact, manage supply chains better, ensure food safety and nutrition security, and increase profitability in agriculture.

02. Food Tech: Food technology aims to meet consumer demands for healthier, safer, and more efficient food production while reducing waste and supporting sustainability.( )

03. EduTech: Educational technology focuses on meeting diverse learning needs, providing accessible education for all, enhancing teaching and learning experiences, and supporting educational research.

04. Health-Tech: Health technology innovations aim to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, enhance the patient experience, advance medical research, and promote population health.

05. Clean Energy: Innovations in clean energy help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease dependence on fossil fuels, create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and improve public health.


1. Faculty/staff members
2. Students
3. Alumni
5. Other member outside the organisation

Active Start-Ups

Active Start-Up 1

Active Start-Up 2

Active Start-Up 3

Active Start-Up 4

Active Start-Up 5

Active Start-Up 6

Graduated Start-Ups

1. Captiks - A startup operating in the field of (provide brief description of their product/service). You can learn more about them at their website:(

2. Agnipankh - A startup specializing in (briefly describe their product/service).

3. Content Whale - A prominent content writing agency and the best content writing company in the industry. You can find more information about them on their website: (Content Whale | Content Writing Agency | Best Content Writing Company ( )

4. VoiceWise - A startup known for their expertise in (provide a brief description of their specialization). For further details, please visit their website: [VoiceWise](About Us - VoiceWise).

5. YOLOCLAN - An online platform offering a diverse range of T-shirts that reflect individual expression and sentiments. Discover their unique collection at [YOLOCLAN](

Start-Up Achievements

Active Start-Up 1

Active Start-Up 2

Active Start-Up 3

Active Start-Up 4

Active Start-Up 5

Active Start-Up 6